2man / 3man Offense

2man / 3man Offense
Last week I wrote about the Penn State Offense from 2019 which is the most efficient offense in NCAA DI history.
The 2man / 3man offense resembles box lacrosse and is similar to the classic Pairs offense where there are a pair of lefties, a pair of righties and two behind. The advantage of the 2man/3man look over "Pairs" is the defense can't slide or "Spike" off one pipe and rotate across on a second slide because there is only one behind and and that X player can sit on the backside pipe making the defense play 5 on 5 in front of the net.
The challenge of the 2man/3man set is the 3man ball side is harder for the offense from a spacing perspective than a 2man ball side. Further, it is easier for the offense and tougher for the defense to guard an off ball 3man action. It is for that reason most offenses attack ball side from their 2man side and try to create good backside 3man actions.
Here is a great example of Syracuse running a 2man ball side with nice Triple A Ratings combined with a 3man off ball side of great actions! The hard cut to the net opens up the pop!
Here is a great example of Brunswick running a beautiful backside 3man action with the hard curl over the top resulting in the open pop!
Here UNC starts a pairs look then morphs into a 2man / 3man look with a beautiful backside seal on the 3man side.
Here's a great example of Deerfield Academy running a some great 2man ball side and 3man backside actions that both occupy defenders and create open shooters.
In the 2man / 3man offense it is critical to have a plan for the X guy! You can see in the Deerfield clip the x guy is allowing his man to show ball side. The X guy needs to sneak backside; either before the 2man action to remove the help from the 2man side or during the play, baiting the defender to help while the X guy sneaks backside to be open for a one-timer!